Battery recycling system for a smart manufacturing company in Sichuan
Battery recycling system for a smart manufacturing company in Sichuan
2024-09-18 16:34
The client is a company that specializes in battery recycling and processing systems. After the used batteries arrive, they are first tested and deeply discharged, then disassembled to the size of battery modules, crushed into particles, and then dried. The electrolyte is discharged and screened, and lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt and graphite with recycling value are re-extracted so that the magnetic separator can further sort the materials. Non-magnetic materials are separated and all materials are classified into three categories: "black powder", copper and aluminum, and plastic. "Black powder" will be separated as raw materials and used to produce new batteries.
Wasiliana Nasi
Bonyeza hapa kuuliza maelezo zaidi kuhusu nukuu
The client is a company that specializes in battery recycling and processing systems. After the used batteries arrive, they are first tested and deeply discharged, then disassembled to the size of battery modules, crushed into particles, and then dried. The electrolyte is discharged and screened, and lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt and graphite with recycling value are re-extracted so that the magnetic separator can further sort the materials. Non-magnetic materials are separated and all materials are classified into three categories: "black powder", copper and aluminum, and plastic. "Black powder" will be separated as raw materials and used to produce new batteries.
Mifumo ya kukausha inaweza kugawanywa katika aina nyingi kulingana na kanuni na miundo tofauti ya kufanya kazi, kama vile dryers za ukanda, dryers za dawa, dryers za ngoma, dryers za kuchemsha, dryers ya mtiririko wa hewa, dryers utupu, nk.
hopper iliyoamilishwa ni aina ya vifaa vinavyotumika sana katika uzalishaji wa viwanda. Kazi yake kuu ni kusafirisha sawa poda, granular na vifaa vingine vingi kutoka silo au hopper hadi mchakato unaofuata.
Maeneo kuu ya matumizi ya detectors chuma ni pamoja na chakula, dawa, vipodozi, nguo na viwanda vingine. Kanuni ya kufanya kazi ya detector ya chuma kawaida inahusisha coil ya kati ya kusambaza na coils mbili sawa za kupokea.
Shinikizo hasi Mizizi blower inamaanisha kuwa mtiririko wa hewa unaozalishwa na pigo ni shinikizo hasi. Katika pigo hasi la shinikizo, impeller hutoa mtiririko wa hewa wa kasi wakati wa harakati zinazoendelea kunyonya gesi na vitu vingine kusafirishwa, na kisha hubana na kusafirisha gesi na vitu vingine kupitia hali ya kazi inayozunguka.